Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Ass Kicking Supermoon and Eclipse: September 29, 2015

Wow this week has kicked my ass. I am on day 3 of being completely exhausted-knocked off my feet exhausted. When I was at my naturopath about 6 weeks ago, I found out my ferritin(iron stores) were pretty low but, I have been on liquid iron since. I have a slight nauseous and sleeping 9 hours a night. I got up at 11am today and by 1:30pm was back lying down. I need to stop worrying about when this will end and start focusing on being strong, healthy and joyful. I am finding it challenging as I count on my energy being high.
I started my spiritual living for life part 2 with Olivia and my soul sisters last night. Everyone seems to have had a year of change and what appears to be negative change by most and we are challenged to view it as part of our growth and transformation to become who we were created to be. So it is as I perceive my life as being deeply uncomfortable with many changes in and around me, I know that this is where I will find my greatest growth, if I can sit in it and listen to that deep knowing part of me and not attempt to bring things back to a feeling of comfort and homeostasis because it's easier and I know what to do with it.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

September 19, 2015-Growth and Change

The summer days are closing in and today is starting off hot and muggy and any moment the cold front will approach and everything will change. First we will have a big storm which will be loud, scary, exciting and might leave things fresh and alive along with some destruction. Hmmm that sounds like a metaphor for life. This year has been full of change and it continues. I have struggled with low mood off and on most of the year but, have been able to pull myself back to where I need to be without medication and this continues. I am feeling deep stirrings of change on many levels but, it feels right and yes uncomfortable at times but, isn't that how all change happens...Sometimes I feel like an alien on this planet and although I can integrate into the community, I often feel like I'm speaking a foreign language and different values. I do not often feel lonely and have a wide circle of people that I love and love me back. Despite the difficult year I know it is necessary to get me from where I am to where I need to be. Moving forward and listening to that small voice inside me that I know is my truth.