Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Soul's Purpose-July 26, 2014

It has been a wonderful summer. My writing seems to be on the back burner. I am going through some intense spiritual growth and at times find it difficult to articulate. One of my dear and wise friends said to me "maybe you are not meant to talk about it". I have connected with a beautiful spiritual soul named Olivia who is in the community and things are opening up in a good way. I am doing yoga most days on the back deck. It makes me feel connected to my higher self to be outside. Going back a few weeks now, the day after I met with Olivia I had a very interesting thing happen. I had been at my son's soccer game and was on my way home from Brooklin and decided to take a slightly less traveled path to get home. It was a beautiful night with the full super moon staring down at me.
 I"m coming back Conlin Road to Garrard Road and only one on the road. Looking at the moon, enjoying the drive and a deer came out from the other side of the road out of nowhere and I speed up to get ahead of it, and it's accelerating....faster then me so I hit the brakes and slow down and this deer is galloping alongside my car at the same speed for a second, I look over right into it's eye....surreal feeling.It felt like time stopped, it could have been a second a minute or longer but, in reality I'm sure it was a second or two.  I slowed down more and it went ahead and over in front of my car. I'm sitting there in disbelief watching this deer gallop away and look in my rear view mirror to make sure no cars are coming and about 75 feet back this other deer is galloping up the centre. I have to tell you I felt like I was watching this happen. Normally when I have a close call I am very shaky afterwards but, I did not feel fear at all. I was worried briefly about hurting the dear but, I mainly remember being in wonder of this scene unfolding. 
I feel a deep sense of peace in my life lately. Things that had been weighing heavily on me I have been able to let go of. I can't say that nothing bothers me but, I am as close to this place as I ever have been. It's a delicate balance of connecting with partner, family, friends and others, work that I love, community service and involvement, my 12 step fellowship, meditation and yoga, prayer, physical activity (I need to work on) and healthy food and of course my oils which are with me every step of the way. 
I've been on them for a few months now and I know they are useful for way more then I ever thought. Mood, meditation, pure food, healthy body moisture, sleep, wake and I know they have helped me with my deepening spirituality. I have such gratitude for all the is opening up and all that is. More recently I have brought crystals into my practice. The energy fields in us known as chakras can become blocked and cause physical, emotional and spiritual distress so use of these things helps to keep the energy flowing. Also on this path has been a reduction of "stuff". Non-attachment to stuff is part of the path. I have cleared out stuff to the dump, local drop off bins and stores, a yard sale, selling online and still more to go. My soul friend Olivia posted a link online and this spoke to me about my goals right now with the "stuff" so I'll close with it. Namaste.

The Law of Attachment

Your Ego has wants, your Soul has needs. You may not get what you want but you will definitely get what you need for your healing, growth and evolvement.
Your Ego wants create attachments to things that you want to make you feel better about yourself. Your wants you are attached to will manipulate and control your inner sense of worth and happiness. If you receive your wants you are attached to those wants being received, and remaining, to feel worthy and happy. If you don't receive these wants or they do not remain or sustain themselves, you feel unworthy and not happy. Attachment creates conditional acceptance and determines your fluctuating inner self worth attitudes. Being attached to something creates dependency. You act like a puppet on a string being manipulated and controlled in conditional acceptance and conditional love.

The converse, being detached, comes from your Soul and creates unconditional acceptance of yourself, by yourself, and unconditional self love resulting in positive self worthiness.