Sunday, October 23, 2011

Reading week-October 23 2011

Wow 1/2 way through first semester already. It is going so fast, I can hardly believe it. I'm still loving it. I hit a bit of a wall last week, during midterms. I had assignments due, 5 midterms to study for, coming down with a cold, and working the cleaning jobs with Racheal. I am a perfectionist, I'm first to admit it, however I'm also quick to defend it. It's important with any job to leave it the best you can, however I can also admit, I'm a bit tactless sometimes. In my effort to be efficient I think, I get right to the point and sometimes what I mean to say, doesn't come out the same way, and I thinking my hard working daughter was also overtired and senstive that night, but anyhow she felt like I was implying she doesn't know what she's doing and snapped at me while I was trying to see if the streak on the door was on my side that I'd cleaned or her side she was wiping. Anyhow, she knew in the morning she overreacted and apologized, but I cried all the way home, and then even the next day I was weepy over the slightest thing. I think I've had so many people I've trusted turn on me in the past year, that it felt like one of the few I have left, turned also, and I know that isn't the case, but in all my stress and exhaustion I was a mess! You know how that one thing that is the last straw that pushes you ALL the way over the edge.
Anyhow, the week went fine, my midterms good. My one I was worried about, Social Welfare I got 80% on, and Aboriginal History, which I figured I did well on I got 96% on, and the others I haven't heard yet, but it should be fine. My computer one I think was 86%, waiting on a few assignments and test marks still. Going to get a few assignments started and hopefully finished this week while I'm off and take some down time as well, to refresh and recharge for the next 7 weeks. I've started volunteer work at Denise House, the women's shelter, still in training but very excited to start. Everyone seems good. I had Justin and the kids in today, and Racheal and Brian in for a bit, Tyler is here now, he comes by every Sunday to watch Dexter, which I love. Sam has her internist appointment on Tuesday, so we'll see where that is at, but she is feeling a bit better. She had a "booster" for her immune system at the naturopath yesterday and seems dedicated to eating healthy and taking her vitamins, working out. Tyler's stitches seem to be healing from his unfortunate toilet bowl shard in the foot8 stitches later injury. As I inch toward my 50's I'm hoping my life will be settled by then and I'll be living the passion job.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Super Sunday-October 2, 2011

October is here! This month brings cold weather and beautiful colours, Hallowe'en, the time change and my birthday, I will be 48. Funny inside I still feel 20. Sometimes it surprises me that someone thinks I'm faculty at college. I'm thinking I'm actually "one of the kids". Got 100% on my counselling skills test and 100% on my power privledge and oppression pop quiz this week. I've been put into groups projects and I have 2 groups I'm a bit worried about working in, one is all guys and I'm already feeling like I'm running the show, doing the work. The other has a very immature young lady in it that from what I've seen is not loving the academic side of school. However I suppose it's all part of the experience, learning how to work with all kinds. I spent about 10 hours doing school work yesterday, and today I will be getting back to it, but for now, I'm sitting in front of the fire, having a coffee and relaxing for now.