Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day-February 14, 2011

I am a ENTJ according to the Myers Brigg test. It means that I am an extrovert(not too far over the middle line though)that according to science I am a natural leader and strategic visionary. I am big picture focused(those pesky details sometimes get lost) I love stimulating interactions with people and often challenge people's statements and behaviours. It tells me that I am an excellent solver of organizational problems. Keenly aware of intricate connections within organizationsand am action oriented and strategic, and think ahead anticipating problems.Prefer new challenges.That my verbal fluency, decisiveness, self-confidence, and urge to organize other can overpower people at times. So I learned that although I can do things that are not "natural" for me, it takes way more energy and often frustration. This explains my high drama math meltdown last night. Solving that type of problem is not natural for me. I can plan and work a million dollar company budget, because it makes sense, and it's logically to me. Solving square roots is not. It is like writing your name with your dominant hand. It feels natural, automatic. Try with your other hand. It feels awkward, clumsy and frustrating for me. Same thing as working against your natural "type". Overall I think it really helped me narrow down some things for me. I managed to get on the express train to come home, and tonight will celebrate Valentines watching 'The Bachelor"! Sadly true, maybe some time with my sweetie later. Up early tomorrow to clean my first house.

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