Saturday, February 12, 2011

Super Saturday

What a busy day. I found a dress for my daughters wedding today. It only took about 30 minutes and was the 2nd dress I tried on of 4 that I got. A beauiful midnight blue, above the knee, spagetti straps with a sheer bolero jacket. I also worked on my psychology lab and surprised myself at the amount of math work I could tolerate. I still have a ways to go to completion, but I now have the confidence to know that I CAN do it! I've got the APA style figured out I think, and my work is still spread out on the dining room table, and it will have to wait until tomorrow, with fresh eyes. I have also started on day 1 of being gluten free. My older daughter Racheal, who is the one getting married, started a gluten free diet a few days ago, and has notice a significant change in her digestive troubles, even in her mood. I have had digestive troubles for most of my adult life. Colonoscopys and stomach scope with a biopsy has ruled out anything serious, but when I put food in my stomach, it's only a matter of minutes before it\s gurgling, and bloating ...and well you can use your imagination, but it's not pleasant. So I am going to try the gluten free adventure.Tomorrow finish up the lab and maybe clean out another closet, oh yes I also have to fiinsh up my resume "homework" for Shanti for our Monday meeting.

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