Black Swan movie was a bit disturbing, even for me .I like dark things, but it was a bit too much crazy for my liking. However the price of going to a 10am movie I really liked. $12.00 for two of us.Maybe next week the kings speech. What a beautiful day out today. Sunshine and warm temperatures, although it is suppose to cool off later, right now, in this moment it's beautiful. I feel like things are shifting today. Maybe that full moon tonight is changing things. People's idea's and goals, moods. Change is in the air. I think it's a bit lighter of a mood coming, but simpler. People getting back to what's real and important. Moving away from material gains and looking for deeper more significant gains. Perhaps that is just wishful thinking, but it's how I'm seeing it. Some changes in the air. Linda leaves for India in 6 hours or so, Sam is in Buffalo visiting Thomas. My house is incredibly quiet at the moment. The only thing I can hear is the odd grumble from my stomach and the school children out playing in the school yard. Why are people so uncomfortable with silence? So many people say they have to turn on the T.V. or radio when they are home alone. I enjoy music and T.V. but I do love the silence as well. Maybe they are afraid to be alone with themselves? Maybe they are afraid of what they will discover about themselves if they drown out all that background noise. Maybe they will discover they aren't who they want to be, and they may be forced to either accept it or change. I know that in those quiet and sometimes agonizing moments alone with myself have come the moments of greats turmoil and joy and growth or insight about myself that lead me towards growth and change. I would rather have moments of great dispair and great joy even if it involves some risks emotionally then just be coasting along "getting through" life playing it safe. Here is a quote that pretty much sums it up for me
." Come to the edge," he said. They said, "We are afraid." "Come to the edge," he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew." -Apollinaire
." Come to the edge," he said. They said, "We are afraid." "Come to the edge," he said. They came. He pushed them and they flew." -Apollinaire
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