Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Resume building-February 22 2011

Today has been spent working on my resume. I have to say that although I have no "degree" or real educational qualifications. I have tons of achievements, in spite of the "challenges" my former company threw at me on a regular basis. I have worked my way up through the company with my drive and enthusiasm and a postive can do attititude, I really care about whatever job it is I'm doing. Whether it's cleaning toilets or doing a presentation to a big sales account, I really want to be the best at what I'm doing. When you are let go, it is a blow to your self confidence, but when I had to put it all down on paper. I am quite a catch! I knew the business I came from so well, inside out for sure. I lived and breathed it 24/7, so I'm nervous at the thought of jumping into a whole new product/business, but I know sometimes change brings excitement and new perspective to a company as well. So I need to just search for that perfect job and go for it. Not worry about finding only contract due to the fact I'm going to India in the fall. It will all work itself out. I think I have another cleaning job as well. Now I will have 3 regular cleaning customers. Maybe that will turn itself into something! I read my sister's blog today in India. It sounds like she is adjusting to the culture of it, and it sounds pretty different from here. I know she is embracing it the whole experience as a child, as she should. Can't wait to hear all about it, and see the pictures.

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