Tuesday, February 15, 2011

First Cleaning Job-February15 2011

Up at 6:15am to get ready to go out to clean 2 places with Racheal. She has her own business and is passing me a couple of houses that she can't fit in. It went well, except apparantly I'm "too picky". My motto has always been, it doesn't matter what job I'm doing, I'm doing it right! So spent the afternoon finishing up my lab report, then studied a bit and I'm ready to crash. I have a house to clean tomorrow, then I HAVE to study. I have a loaf of gluten free cooking in the oven. We'll see how that turned out. Didn't rise too well.
Never give up, never give in, and when the upper hand is ours, may we have the ability to handle the win with the dignity that we absorbed the loss.quote by Doug Williams. Just like the quote.Night Night.

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