Sunday, May 5, 2013

Good-Bye to Mom-May 5, 2013

Today was my Mothers visitation, service and burial. It went beautifully. All of the grandchildren were here. Three flew in from Western Canada and U.S. and it is as always, like they have never been away. I have always been close to my nephews whether they live close by or far from home. My nephew Derek(sisters son) did the eulogy then my nephew Mark(brothers son) shared memories, then my son Justin shared his memories, then my brother Dale shared, my sister Linda shared some of my Mothers volunteer and community service, I shared a poem that my Mother (I had forgotten she asked me to do this about 14 years ago) asked me to write, then my daughter read the poem Footprints and closed with the Lords Prayer. My sister in law Sherry was the M.C. and did a fabulous job. Everyone that got up spoke with such love, confidence and thoughtfulness. So many people came through and I was cocooned with support and love. People from my family, my A.A. group, former neighbours, school friends it was just overwhelming how many people showed up and expressed their care. My former mother in law hugged me and it just felt wonderful.We have been through so much together. Her husbands death, family trauma, death, birth, she was there when my youngest daughter was born and she is such an incredible woman. I have always considered her an important part of my life despite the fact the marriage did not survive all of the relationships did even with my former husband. He is a an important part of my life. I am truly blessed to have family from all around me, past and present. After the service we started making our way to Warsaw. My sister from B.C. was on her own in a teeny rental car that could not hold much so I travelled with her as it was about a 90 minute drive. We had extra time so several of us gathered at the Warsaw lunch for a cold drink and some food. The cemetery service was short and her 6 oldest grandsons were palbearers. We went back to the family cabin for the gathering of family and friends after. The greatgrandchildren all cousins played and we told stories and laughed, it was the perfect end to a beautiful good-bye. My Mother would have been so very proud and happy. I should say she is very happy with what she saw today. here is the poem that I wrote yesterday for my beautiful Mother. You are free now Mom.
Courage to Change

You may not stand in front of me
With words that I can hear
But, when the wind blows on my face
I know that you are near

The time had come to leave us
Your struggle was too great
Your other half reached out his hand
No longer would you wait

Out of sight, not out of mind
And those who know you well
Understand that you live on
With each story that they tell

Remember me, love me
Let me go
Your own stories still to make
Take me with you
I’m everywhere
My love is yours to take

My legacy is in this room
Don’t long for what is not
Let go of hurts
Reach out your hand
The best cannot be bought

My struggle done
My life complete
Rejoice! Do not despair
I’m with my love, just look above
For two hawks in the air.
Grandchildren May 5, 2013

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