Sunday, March 13, 2011

More meditation,closer to my true self one day at a time-March 13, 2011

I had a great night at a meditation night with Sanjay. A man who is from India and a student at Durham College, who put on a free night at a local studio. We did vibrating for 15 minutes, and dancing for 15 minutes then seated and lying down meditation each 15 minutes. Then a break time where we all talked and had some yummy gluten free treats from a local bakery. Then back in, we did some humming, which was intense. Each "thing" we did was for about 15 minutes each, so we sat cross legged and breath in and hum out. He had music playing as well, and after a few minutes my legs were so sore, and I remembered my class from yesterday and just accepted the discomfort and made an adjustment or two and then I noticed on my exhale hums I could feel a vibration, like my hum was hitting the "correct frequency" if that makes sense. I'm not sure how to describe it other then that, but I knew I wanted more. I noticed that some exhales I "hit" it and it felt so good, I tried to lengthen the breath to keep where I was. Then we went on to some energy work, releasing our energy to the universe, and then bring the energy to self. we then finished it off with a silent meditation. Questions and answer time after was very interesting. Sanjay is such a wise young man, with wisdom way beyond his years. It sounds like they are going to be continuing on with these teachings and I look forward to it. Namaste.

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