It is time for me to get back to explore my spirtitual side further. Racheal and I are attended a meditation workshop in Toronto at the World meditation centre/temple. Led by a Buddist monk, it was very interesting and so much of it made sense. Being happy has nothing to do with anything outside of ourselves. True happiness can only come from within. I totally believe in that. I did not seem to have too much trouble going into the meditations that we did, which kind of surprised me. We spoke the monk after and he felt that my experience of having thoughts that I could not remember(like a dream that you knew you had thoughts, but couldn't remember any specifics) was encouraging. Perhaps my spiritual side is not so underdeveloped as I thought. So much makes sense, the non attachment to anything. Emotions, items, situations.... That anything that brings pleasure can also bring suffering. So true....Holding virtuous thoughts in meditation, and developing our spirit. The 10 day challenge is upon us. A breathing meditation each day for 10 days, and he guaranteed that our life would be better. So I will check in on March 22 to see how that is going. Some of what he talked about I'm not so sure I agree or believe in. If your spirit is not developed that you may be reincarnated in an animal(maybe mouse) form. He spoke with such certainty about death and the level of awareness during death and that there is a hell, that you can get out of, but it will be unpleasant while you're there. Not sure how he can be so sure that is exactly how it happens, and I am no sure I believe in reincarnation or hell as such. My 12 step program and my experience tells me there is a God...or higher power, whatever you choose to call it, and my God is a loving God. So I can take what I want from each teaching and meditate on the rest, perhaps leave what does not fit into my life. What I am taking away from this is making meditating a part of my day, to develope my spirtual side further. To love everyone, and not be attached to anything. If I am feeling stressed or aggitated about anything, however small I need to look inward and let go. As long as I keep a calm and peaceful mind , whatever circumstance presents itself it will not be a problem for me. Easier said than done I know, but that is why it is called a mediation "practice" not meditation "perfect".
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