Monday, February 15, 2016

Releasing deep rooted negative energy-February 8, 2016

Had a great day at work today. Went to Olivias spiritual living for life class tonight. We talked about deep seated negative energy being in the body and how the same lessons continue to show up in our lives, disguised as the same lesson. We first meditated and connected with breath, then we connected with Creator and were directed to feel the pain of whatever we think it is we keep having issues with. As I thought about my past traumas and recent upset that common thread appeared to be losing any control and being vulnerable. Once I went into the meditation, it became apparent that my issue was feelings of being not good enough. We went into a deep meditation and connected with the divine universal energy and moved it through the chakras and removed much of the negative energy, with the help of Creator and infused lots of positive love. Through childhood issues, always the feeling of not measuring up, not being "good enough". Through my job loss, I know know the anxiety that came up was I thought I was not good enough and again....I know that I am good enough, and I always have been perfect in my creation.

It was described as the deep seated issue like a wart that has roots. You may appear to have gotten rid of it but, if you don't work through the process of removing every one of those lingering roots, part of it remains and can...and will resurface. It was very healing to work through and I am only just beginning.

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