Sunday, February 15, 2015

Abundance in my life-February 15, 2015

Working with Olivia on the spiritual living for life course for the past 13 weeks has been beautiful. I have become deeply in tune with the spirit world and my own place as a spiritual being living a human experience. During a new years meditation I was provided with a "word" for this year ahead and it is "Abundance". I totally believe that everyone can have what they want in life. Whatever we put energy into, is what comes back to us. So many years ago when I wouldn't want to do something,instead of saying no, I would say I had a sore throat or cold or whatever and I noticed I would actually get sick.
Now if I don't want to do something I don't feel the need to make an excuse, I just say no. 

My life is filled with abundance and everything comes to me that I need. My family is beautiful and thriving, my health is great, I have all the "things" I need to live. Not all the luxuries I think I want but everything I need, I have real and intimate friendships and great work. I have full time contract with the womens shelter. Not sure when it will end. Its been a few months and keeps getting extended but, I'll go back to part time when that ends. I have recently been hired at a mental health agency and start there soon as well. 

Not every day is easy and I know there will be challenges in all the above areas at one time or another but, I know that it's all required for my evolution towards who I am meant to be. 

My vision board has the following. Laughter, healthy, FUN, Purpose, Unconditional Love, Going to India, Gratitude, Yoga, Mindfulness, Meditation, Great Beauty in Nature and Passionate Extraordinary Love! Why not have everything I desire. 

Having all of this is not someplace I go to-like a warm destination. It's something that comes to me where I am. I cannot relocate and find all I desire. I am required to build what I desire with all of the distractions and inconveniences that surround all of us. Truth told I cannot imagine being anywhere else anyhow. My family is in my heart and I LOVE them so much. My wee grandchildren are only a few kilometers away and I love being able to go watch their hockey games and have them drop by for a visit. My family adds such depth and joy to my life. The children remind me not to take myself so seriously and have fun. 


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