Sunday, October 20, 2013

Just Life Now...Sweet Life October 20, 2013

Well, I have finished yet another week-end of work. Not so bad. 30 hours and not overnight. Felt very tired tonight though. Still really enjoying my work. The theme of the night seemed to be those struggling with drug issues. Also some older actually elderly people coming in with alcohol problems. Very sad to see an old person at this point in their life unable to stay in their house due to their addiction. However, young people are not discouraged when they see this. All I can do is what I can do with them and meet them where they are.

My scare with my mammogram has past for now. They redid it and just say they want to keep an eye on it. They think it is just fatty tissue but to recheck in 6 months. My sister is recovering and moving along nicely but, it is not easy for her and I wish I could move it along faster for her but, it is what it is. My 50th birthday is looming. 1 week from today. In reflecting I actually feel that I am very happy with where I am in my life for 50. I have my family mostly raised and I could not be prouder of my children and grandchildren. I am in a happy and fulfilling relationship with my partner, I am doing work I love, still have money owing on my house but, after last few years and struggling to keep up with the accelerated  rate I had, I dialed it back and it's lower now and I'll put more on it. Next move will be a downsize and no payment. If I had been able to continue with the accelerated rate I would have had my house paid off in 7 more years. Oh well, I have come to realize it's important to have enough to be comfortable but, that doesn't make me happy. It's the people and what I do in my life that makes it meaningful.
So, for my big 50th the kids and my husband are renting some ice for a skate party and then back to my daughters house for a pot luck. I love building community and it's exactly me. I also am asking that people bring $5.00 gift cards for Tim's or Dollarama for the men at a local shelter instead of a gift for me. I have no room or need for anything. It's the people that make the party but, if we can collect enough to hand out to all the men and maybe women at the shelters I work at, I would love to have something to give the homeless at Christmas. Have the next 2 days off and feel the need to rest. Gratitude fills my soul.

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