Saturday, May 26, 2012

Glorious Heat-May 26 2012

I am happy to say everything is hot hot hot! the temperature has risen to the high 20's and 30's in the past week. I am embracing the heat this year...for now I have resisted turning on the A/C in order to feel it all. I feel like every molecule in my body in on heightend awareness, along with embracing sadness, wonder and gratitude at the amazing people out there and the world we have be given to live in.
It is Saturday and I had non violent crisis intervention today at school. It is all about first recogizing the signs that lead to crisis and attempting to avoid it, and then dealing with individuals that are escalating and threatening. It included verbal reasoning and directives, physical protecting and restraining of individuals and self defense. Some interesting stories from some and others seemed to wonder what they were getting themselves into. We have had so much drama at school. A teacher feeling bullied and with some just cause, although she is contributing to the problems. I have calmly voiced myself on a few occasions when I felt it justified. Either supportive and empathetic or requesting that people quit carrying this grudge they seem to have, so we can focus on our studies and not on this drama that most of us know little about due to privacy although we can guess who the instigators are. Most recently our program head came in to address our class, saying that some of the students have complained that they do not feel safe in class. We do have some loud and aggressive people in our class, that for the most part add flavour to discussions, but I can see how some who have little life experience may feel intimidated during some heated discussions they have. The vulgar language and swearing come across as aggressive and these few are very argumentative and stubborn. When they say something that I don't agree with or feel is incorrect, I weigh the decision to jump in with how strongly I feel about the subject and if it will add to the topic or not. I have jumped in when they start talking about alcoholism or something to do with childbirth, some things I am just too passionate about but mostly I'm willing to let the few that enjoy the sparring, fight it out and pick my battles very carefully. Time is too short to be arguing and fighting about nothing important. My friends and I stick together for most of the time and are able to avoid the drama.
Husband Will is in Kingston photographing a wedding today with a former work employee and will be home in the new few hours. We went on a 3-4 hour hike Monday and 5 days later my legs actually stopped hurting today. We have been re-connecting in many ways and enjoying each others company more and more.
We think my new grandchild is a girl, and although there have been complications with the pregnancy she is beginning to feel better now. I babysat my grandson last night and he is such a sweet little boy. Talking lots more now. I feel like a new part of life is beginning to open up and I am excited to move into the second half of my life!

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