Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Vacation-December 27, 2011

Another year is coming to a close. It's mind boggling to me that only a year ago our lives were in complete turmoil and it felt as though everything was slipping away. Now a year later my husband is running his own business, and doing quite well, and I've just finished my first semester as a full time student with a 91.3% average. Yes I did work very hard for those marks, it did not come easy, but it was rewarding for sure. I've made some new friends, and learned who my true friends are. There was some disappointment in those I thought were real friendships and learned otherwise, but I'm ok to release those now, and know that some people are only in our lives for a specific reason and timeframe and it's ok to move on from them. There has been way more good than bad that this past year has revealed to me, even though I would never have believed that 11 months ago, it is so. I am exactly where I suppose to be and it feels great. Christmas was wonderful, probably the best I can remember. I had a full week off prior to Christmas, and this week right after Christmas off, and then another week! I have volunteered to help with new student orientation for the January starters, so I go in for training a week from Thursday and I think I'll be ready for it then. Our commerical business is doing well, we've gotten a new client and another one lined up that seems promising, and our schedule is pretty good now, we work 4 weeks on a rotating schedule and then get 2 weeks off. We will be going out to my sister and brother in laws Linda and Mikes place for New Years Eve. I am really looking forward to spending some time there. I miss spending time with my sister, and her son and daughter in law with my 7 month old great niece Laurel (from birth story in May) will be there. I just love her so much, and feel a real connection to her. Much like her father, my nephew Derek. He was always special to me and has an aura about him that draws people to him and she has the same thing. My daughter told me tonight she's looking at doing an international exchange during her 4th year of university, which is about 18 months away, which will be an excellent experience for her. Well more relaxation for me. Worked tonight, but tomorrow I have nothing booked, except maybe reading and movie watching. Life is good...no great!

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