Sunday, October 2, 2011

Super Sunday-October 2, 2011

October is here! This month brings cold weather and beautiful colours, Hallowe'en, the time change and my birthday, I will be 48. Funny inside I still feel 20. Sometimes it surprises me that someone thinks I'm faculty at college. I'm thinking I'm actually "one of the kids". Got 100% on my counselling skills test and 100% on my power privledge and oppression pop quiz this week. I've been put into groups projects and I have 2 groups I'm a bit worried about working in, one is all guys and I'm already feeling like I'm running the show, doing the work. The other has a very immature young lady in it that from what I've seen is not loving the academic side of school. However I suppose it's all part of the experience, learning how to work with all kinds. I spent about 10 hours doing school work yesterday, and today I will be getting back to it, but for now, I'm sitting in front of the fire, having a coffee and relaxing for now.

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