Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Arrowhead Camping-August 2, 2011

How is it possible that we're into August already? We had a wonderful time camping. It took a bit of patience while I adjusted to camping with a group of 26 that included lots of kids and routines that we're different than mine. We all took a turn at cooking a meal so we only had to cook 1 large meal(for 25) and the rest of the week I just took my plate, fork and lawn chair to a site to eat. However dinner wasn't till after 9:00pm, which is fine, but I wish I'd known that ahead of time the first night or two. Their schedules and pace were way different from ours. When they decide to do something, it takes what seems to us like forever to get moving, I felt like I spent so much time waiting around the first 2 days, and then I just thought, I'm the one letting it frustrate me, so I just decided to do my own thing and if it meshed, fine, if not, that's fine too. They all stayed at the campsite more than I like to do, sitting around drinking and I spent time reading and watching the kids swim, and reflecting that even though I do feel like an outsider often at these types of things, I am exactly where I want to be. I don't want to be like that. They are wonderful parents, and better than most out there, however I saw things that I indicate it subtly affects the children. One morning one of the boys playing games with Christian at our site saw his mom for the first time that day, and she drove by our site without stopping to say hi to him and he said "my mom is going to get more wine", and he sounded sad. All week the kids, some of them teenagers would be swimming at the lake, and I would be the only parent down there. I know they aren't reckless parents at all, very safety minded, but alcohol does cloud judgement. Anyhow it's another beautiful week setting up, and I've got some tasks to do this week before I leave for a week to B.C. with my sister.

1 comment:

Sahayoga said...

We are lucky that we woke up. There was a time when we weren't the most responsible. I am happy that we found a better place