Me with my 6 amazing Kids, Samantha 19, Shawn 28, Christian 12, Racheal 25, Justin 27, Me an Tyler 23 |
The wedding was awesome! Everything went so well. Racheal looked beautiful, and everyone was healthy and happy! Danced till it ended. They went off to the Pocono's for their honeymoon. She had a weird dream about my Dad-her Popa on June 19 that was mostly positive, but also said that something was going to happen in 60 days and that she should not "go crazy". Turns out 60 days hits right on her birthday! Finished up school the following Friday June 17 with my final exam, which I think went well, haven't gotten any marks back yet, and I've registered for Philosophy and Business for fall. I was at my sisters for a girls week-end and just got back yesterday. The weather was amazing, although I felt stuffed up all week-end and slept just awful, even for me, but the company and surroundings were as wonderful as always so it's all good. On Saturday we went to Bloomfield and were sitting at a cafe for lunch when a man started choking behind us. To me he appeared to have a completely blocked airway, I didn't hear him talk or cough. His eyes had that crazed look of panic. Whoever was with him asked him if he could talk and he shook his head and indicated with his hands around his neck, so she went behind him and tried to do the Hemlich manoever but I've taken the rescue training several times and knew she had her hand placement all wrong, way too low, so after she did two pumps and he was still no better I told her she needed to put her hands higher, so she asked me if I knew how to do it and I said yes. I found the spot and gave him one hard pump(he was a slightly round firm bellied man) and I'm not sure if it went down or came out, but he immediately coughed a few times and seemed fine. I'm not sure if I helped or not but I'm glad he's ok.My arms were pretty sore from the effort and I felt a bit shakey right after, but everyone seemed to want to get back to "normal" and I just kept how I was feeling to myself. My mother went to see her breathing doctor and her lung function has gotten worse, not a surprise to us that know her, but I believe it was 27% worse than it was 3 years ago. I am to take her to get some tests done at the Hospital on August 9, the day before my sister and I fly to Nelson B.C. for a week. I am so looking forward to that trip! For this week, my clean for tomorrow got rescheduled to Thursday, so I'm doing 2 cleans on Thursday instead of 1 tomorrow and 1 Friday. That gives me 3 days to recover my strength, which is much better. Then Friday I have a workshop all day. Christians birthday party on Saturday, when his birthday was in January, so I'm a little behind but I'm getting there!
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