Tuesday, December 31, 2013

December 31, 2013-Last day of the year

Wow! I cannot believe New Years Eve is here...again. Last year I had just finished school, my Mom was not well and our family spent New Years Eve with my Mom at her place. The year my Mom is gone and I've just gotten my third job, I'm loving my life, miss my Mom but grateful for all things in my life. I'm not finding as much time to write since my life is full and busy. It comes in waves and I go with it. Christmas was busy and wonderful and exhausting. I worked at mens shelter 3-11 and crawled into bed that night.
Boxing day was a skate party by my sister in law from my first marriage Cindy. It's a wonderful tradition and I am grateful to still be a part of the family. They hold a big part of my heart.

Now a New Year is upon us. I will celebrate the crossing of 2013 into 2014 working at the mens' shelter and that is a good thing. The world is my family and I am grateful to be part of it.

I am saying good-bye to year 2013 with a grateful heart. I am grateful for all the lessons I've been able to receive, for all the experiences I've been exposed to and for all the authentic people I have in my life! I have had to say good-bye to loved ones for a little while, a long while and a lifetime.
There have been moments in this year that have made me laugh hysterically, feel unconditional love and cry from both joy and sorrow-often at the same time. There were times I could not see the light at the end of the tunnel and always I was presented with what I needed in that moment. 
I am filled with gratitude for the unconditional love that surrounds me. So humbled by my family and friends who are always there for me. 
I have the love and support from my life partner-no matter what I need. 
Never has there been a year with such high highs and such low lows and some of those happening simultaneously. Despite some very overwhelming situations or challenges - I always have faith that everything happens as it is supposed to and even if I cannot understand-the universe is unfolding exactly as it should.
I have made some beautiful new friends, deepened other relationships and I look forward to spending more time doing the same. I continue to be in awe of my family who stood by my side not only this year but also, every year. My heart is full with gratitude. Thank you family and friends for giving yourself a gift of time and unconditional love. 
Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with me and holding me in your light. 
When the clock strikes midnight tonight, I will close the door for old and open space for all the gifts and lessons 2014 brings
I hope this year will bring you unconditional love, laughter, friendship, peace, acceptance and extreme self-love and that you will know every is unfolding exactly as it needs to, even when it is deeply uncomfortable. You are not the same person you were a year ago and you will not be the same person 365 days from now. I cannot wait to live it all—One Day At A Time. 
Happy New Year!